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Click the link below to visit the website. |, Your Independent Bookstore for Digital Audiobooks 

What is is an employee-owned Social Purpose Corporation that shares profits from your audiobook purchases with your chosen bookshop, giving you the power to keep money within your local economy.

Whether you are paying for monthly membership, giving an audiobook gift to a friend, or buying audiobooks for yourself or your organisation, shares the profit from your purchases with your local bookshop.

How does it work?

Step 1: Create a free account and choose your bookshop. makes it possible for you to buy audiobooks through your local bookshop. Choose the bookshop you'd like to support, and they will get a portion of ever purchase you make.

Step 2: Sign up for a monthly membership or buy audiobooks à la carte.

Pay £9.95 GBP each month for one audiobook credit and 30% off individual audiobook purchases, or buy and listen to audiobooks on your own schedule with no strings attached.

Listen anytime, anywhere.

Listen with the free app and enjoy features that make listening easier and more enjoyable, including a sleep timer, bookmarks, and more!